Research on tc and hormone inducement

  • So for me at least one of the reasons I love plants is because of the technical side behind them and all the cool Sciency things you can do with them. For example I had been researching house to induce a bloom in plants specifically orchids (gave up because I got busy and couldn't find enough info) and also tc where I in my research on it I'm not 100% sure if this is true but I read it in a fire places if u have equal parts cytokinin and auxin in your medium the plant will put out like a boob of undefined cells that u can then separate and grow those cells into a plant and those cells are much more likely to have some sort of mutation. Though I haven't tested that out test since I'm still working on getting all the supplies and finding a place to do tc. 


    anyone else have some cool plant projects they are

  • Can't wait for you to report your findings! 

  • i am working on creating cross breeds, but i am also curious on learning gene editing to see if some colors can be naturally induced on a plant, thus creating new types of variegation. But long ways right now, once i have more time I will dive deeper into this. 

  • @Alessandro nice to see im not the only one outheere thats interested in this kind of stuff. I need to do way mpre reaserch and learn more about it to actually be ablw to do it ever but i always thought the premis was fsinating and the next step with plants after TC.


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